SFFS Snippet #1: "The Islands of Hope" in Sails and Sorcery


DESCRIPTION: Mermaids. Pirates. Flying ships. Creatures from the deep. Magic beyond your wildest dreams.

The sea is a dangerous and wonderful realm. It calls to many, promising riches, adventure, or freedom. But just as there are beautiful and remarkable treasures to be found upon and below the waves, do not underestimate the dangers hidden within its depths.

Featuring 28 stories and 42 illustrations, including tales by New York Times best-seller Elaine Cunningham, Paul S. Kemp, Patrick Thomas, Chun Lee, Chris Stout, Heidi Ruby Miller, Jon Sprunk, and James M. Ward with an all-new story featuring Halcyon Blithe.


"Where did he come from?" Finn said, pulling at the knots in his peppered beard. "Men just don't appear on a ship in the middle of the ocean."

Julian stared up at the crow's nest of the Ixchel. "His name's Kami. He came with the ship." He wiped his nose on his wet sleeve. "Or so says the captain."

"Over a month at sea and three weeks adrift in the Horse Latitudes, with barely a half ration each to last us until Sunday," Vernor said. "And yesterday another mouth appears on board?"


Find more snippets from other wonderful authors at Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday.


  1. Wonderful snippet. I think I need to add this book to my TBR list (loving the cover, too!)

  2. Julie Dillon is the amazing artist who illustrated the anthology. The art she created for my story was perfect. It was the first time anyone ever made a graphic representation of my words. It was beautiful and humbling.

  3. There's nothing worse than having what little food you have further divided. Urgh!

  4. He came with the ship! Of course he did!! Love it...want to read more please!!

  5. I want to read more! Sailing stories are a guilty pleasure of mine. The possibilities of where you're going with this are endless! LOVE IT!!

  6. I love it. What a wonderful sounding story. Is there an eVersion on the way?

  7. Ah, the fight over food. Excellent conflict. I love the cover. :o)

  8. Hope they're not prone to cannibalism! :-)

    Great snippet...will have to keep an eye out for this one.

  9. Came with the ship? And they're just finding out about him now?

  10. Lots of conflict in this small snippet--nice!

    The antho sounds interesting! many happy sales!


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